Monday, September 21, 2015

Sleeve Production

This is a great way to magically “produce” coins and other small objects from your shirt or coat sleeve.

I got the idea in my early twenties from doing coin vanishes. The spectators were always amazed by the vanish, but after a couple of seconds would become suspicious of my other hand. I realized that if I produced the coin soon after the vanish, they wouldn’t have time to think about it.

Hence the creation of Sleeve Production. And as an extra "bonus" I discovered that people were fascinated by the coin coming out of my sleeve. For one thing they had no idea how it got there, and for another thing they were conditioned to think that magicians often hide things up their sleeves, which is very mysterious and impressive to them.

As you can see, it works in conjunction with any coin vanish. If you also want to learn my favorite finger palm coin vanish and multiple coin vanish, I teach them in this modestly priced download.

See you next post!

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